AIDS has come to stay and we all know that. It is not hard to see that we have not all accepted the scary fact. The best of it all is that people just seem to see it as another advert in the media, another president not doing the job right or a kid crying for ice cream and we just do general talk.
The good thing about this virus is that, it is generating a lot of money for the media. Many organisations are coming together to fight the epidemic. Money spent is on ways thought to be the way out. Which brings me to the question HIV PREVENTION: WHAT REALLY WORKS? Looking back at a couple of advertorials, UNICEF started out with, the word “ABSTANANCE” it was on for long, they switch focus to “FAITHFULNESS” then to the most accepted of them all “USE A CONDOM”.
To these points, the way forward is farfetched. The only good that will be is the medical cure and an anti-immune drug.
Talking about the options that have been giving to the people, ABSTAINANCE is not working, maybe for the believers; you and I know the percentage of population they carry in Nigeria, Africa. FAITHFULNESS seems to be finding its way into the homes, the streets have accepted to CONDOMIZE. Condom on its own is not reliable, its one doing the work of two, Safe sex and birth control. That is why it has stood the test of time.
How many people use condoms? People believe condom makes sex possible is that when you are fighting AIDS and controlling birth? I like the idea of staying faithful. The only thing is after a while the condom stays away and a new birth control method finds way.
It is hard to fight the virus if we are not tackling all other vices that come handy to the transmission process.
Vices like our environment, sex education and the methods of preventing the virus as well as birth control’s. I have just highlighted these as I feel they are a part of the whole talk.
Youths of today are open to all sort of societal vices that affect their judgements of situation and their acceptation of choices made. It is time we really make up our mind and stay out of trouble. What really takes up mind space is all this true talk real, but then I just said true. Condoms have 98% reliability, how about faithfulness; less we forget that a partner is involved. I am worried at the spread, much worried by the status issue. Knowing your status is been made to look so un-cool, there needs to be something cool about going to know your status.
At these point the best done about AIDS is to scare people.
This virus has come a long way; it has built a strong network that needs serious work to break into, not to talk of controlling it.
The dedication and efforts of the change agents who are closest to its level of impact is sort after. They however, need to be checked, motivated and supported. There should be less talk and more of an aggressive attacking style.
An advertorial preaches about the imagination of an HIV free generation, well how possible it is I do not know. I know we can achieve an HIV informed and controlled generation.
The fight for an HIV controlled generation: It begins with YOU.
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